The Leacross Foundation has provided a generous gift to establish the Women in STEM Summer Research Assistantship Program at iBEST. Four female-identifying Research Assistants will be trained and mentored in state-of-the-art, complex, exciting and dynamic environments, providing them with invaluable trainee experience, including opportunities to explore, practice and hone their disciplinary skills.
These four positions will be offered to female-identifying, third-year undergraduate students from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) as a means of supporting community and education and encouraging women’s endeavours in science.
Women in STEM Summer Research Assistantship Program
Available Positions
Research Assistant, Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering
- Position supervisors: Dr. Dafna Sussman and Dr. Michelle Sholzberg
Research Assistant, Mechanical, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering
- Position supervisors: Dr. Scott Tsai and Dr. Hagar Labouta
Research Assistant, Chemistry and Biology
- Position supervisors: Dr. Marc Adler and Dr. Warren Lee
Research Assistant, Computer Science
- Position supervisors: Dr. Elodie Lugez and Dr. Nathan Churchill
Outlining Our Partnership With Leacross And The Women In Stem Summer Research Assistantship Program
The iBEST is proud to bring to its members the third iteration of the Women-in-STEM Summer Research Assistantships. The contribution from the Leacross Foundation compliments the training capabilities of iBEST as a means of supporting community, education, and encouraging the endeavors of women in science.
The 2024 Women-in-STEM Summer Research Assistantships is available to third-year female-identifying undergraduate students from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU). Four female-identifying Research Assistants (RAs) will be trained and mentored in state-of-the-art, complex, exciting and dynamic environments, providing invaluable experience for trainees who want to explore, practice and hone their disciplinary skills. In addition, the selected RAs will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on simulation of clinical activities through Unity Health Toronto’s Simulation Program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can apply?
All female-identifying, third-year undergraduate students from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science at TMU are encouraged to apply.
What should I expect from the Women in STEM Summer Research Assistantship Program at iBEST?
RAs hired through the Program will have an opportunity to participate in hands-on training at the simulation center at Unity Health Toronto (St. Michael’s Hospital) and engage in simulated clinical activities.
How many positions are available and what is the position term?
Four positions are available to third-year, female-identifying undergraduate students from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science at TMU. The Program will run from May to August 2024.
How were these four specific positions established?
iBEST members interested in hosting RAs at their labs submitted applications proposing exciting training and mentoring opportunities, and a review committee selected the four best applications to fund through this opportunity.
Are these paid positions?
Yes, each hired RA will receive a total of $15,000, and an additional $5,000 is available for hosting researchers to purchase the needed research equipment/supplies for a successful training and mentoring experience.
Are there any reports?
Yes, the Leacross Foundation’s mission is to educate women. For this reason, it is important to the Foundation and its donors to hear back from women participating in the program as a means of encouraging other women to do the same. As a hired RA through the Program, you are required to submit two updates to help encourage other women into STEM.
How can I apply?
The Women in STEM Summer Research Assistantship Program at iBEST is offering positions at four different labs. We encourage interested students to browse through the positions and apply to what fits your interests. Please consult these descriptions of the four positions.
Program Key Dates
January 26, 2024: iBEST member application deadline.
February 9, 2024: iBEST member applications are reviewed by iBEST Theme Leads.
February 22, 2024: Job postings are shared online for TMU’s female-identifying undergraduate students to apply.
March 15, 2024: RA application deadline.
March 18-29, 2024: RA interviews take place.
April 3, 2024: Selected RAs are notified.
May–August, 2024: Assistantship period.

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