Title: “Bursting Bubbles to Help the Injured Lung”
Dr. Warren Lee
Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science
St. Michael’s Hospital
Date: Friday, November 4, 2022 | 1pm – 2pm EDT
Host: Dr. Darren Yuen
In-Person: Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, conference room 216
Join Zoom Meeting (if unable to attend in-person): https://ryerson.zoom.us/j/95178889924?pwd=MElvQ0l2T29talF0WFRnaXdsVDV1dz09
- Learn about the use of ultrasound and microbubbles in targeted gene and drug delivery to an injured lung.
- Understand how these interventions enable clinicians to better treat lung injuries and improve patient health outcomes.
Dr. Warren Lee is a researcher at St. Michael’s Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science.
He received his MD and completed residencies in Internal Medicine, Respirology and Critical Care Medicine in Toronto before completing his PhD in Medical Sciences at the Hospital for Sick Children.
Dr. Lee’s research focuses on the mechanisms of endothelial permeability, with specific interest in developing therapeutic approaches to vascular leakage during lung injury.
No sign-up is required. For more information, contact the iBEST coordinator (ibest@ryerson.ca).