Banting Postdoctoral Fellow Targets Revolutionary Tumour Treatment at TMU

iBEST 5 News 5 Banting Postdoctoral Fellow Targets Revolutionary Tumour Treatment at TMU

Banting Postdoctoral Fellow Targets Revolutionary Tumour Treatment at TMU

Farshad Moradi Kashkooli, a post-doctoral fellow at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) and scientist at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Science and Technology (iBEST), has become TMU’s first recipient of a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. In a heartfelt pursuit ignited by personal loss, Moradi Kashkooli focuses his research on innovative tumour treatment methods, merging unfocused ultrasound with nanomedicine to offer new solutions in cancer treatment. His approach is driven by a deep personal connection to cancer research, inspired by the loss of his mother to the disease. This motivation fuels his aspiration to provide clinicians with novel tools for better patient outcomes.

The distinction of being awarded the competitive Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship has enabled Moradi Kashkooli to collaborate closely with renowned researchers Michael Kolios and Jahangir Tavakkoli, leveraging TMU’s cutting-edge ultrasound facilities and interdisciplinary expertise. Their research aims to create a non-invasive cancer treatment that utilizes therapeutic ultrasound in drug delivery, a groundbreaking approach in the medical field.

Moradi Kashkooli credits his progress to the supportive environment at TMU, the mentorship of his supervisors, and the collaborative culture at iBEST. His journey through TMU's graduate program has been enriched by numerous opportunities to engage with a vibrant research community. These opportunities have led to significant achievements, including over ten journal publications and various accolades, such as being recognized as a “Rising Scientist in Therapeutic Ultrasound” by the International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU).

For aspiring graduate students, Moradi Kashkooli emphasizes the importance of passion and
dedication in research. He believes in the transformative power of embracing challenges and
opportunities for growth, encouraging students to remain committed to their pursuits for impactful discoveries.

Read more about Moradi Kashkooli and his achievements.

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